
Thanks for stopping by my site! I hope I've found a place now where I can document and share my upcoming travels and experiences. It appears that here I will be able to not only "blog" as much as I'd like, but to upload my pictures as well. Feel free to take a look around and provide suggestions! Stay tuned in coming months as I'll be updating with more details about the trip!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Okay time for another brief update! I have a heck of a story to tell about this past weekend's trip to Malaysia with Nate, but it's going to have to wait for now. If it had been a Steve Martin film, we could have titled it "Busses, Vans, Tuk tuks, Motorbikes, and Human appendages." We did both make it back safely and alive enough to visit the beer gardens Saturday night. Which is another story entirely.

For now I'll just update you on the course. Yesterday we took the 3 hour grammar and phonology exam. (3 hours = 75 minutes if you're me) I figure it went pretty darn well, and I'll find out in about 45 minutes here if I'm right. Assuming that I passed, I have only to finish building a game for the last teaching day as well as prepare my report on having tutored a Thai person. Basically, things here are finishing up! After the last few things, we have nothing required of us on Friday, so it'll be time to start saying goodbyes to each other. It sounds as if Sully, Nate, and I will be staying locally and are going to try to stay at the Phuket Backpackers for a week or two while we get ourselves sorted.

I'll let you know if there's any major news. Otherwise, post again in a few days when I'll be certified to teach English! I hope those of you returning to MN in the next day or so all had a good trip!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, hello!

It does sound like you are fully exploiting the word "adventure!" Good for you and congratulations on obtaining your certification. Matthew forwarded the link to your blog, hope that is ok. Looks like all the stories I've heard about Thailand are pretty accurate. Love the looks, but the heat would be too much for me!

Looking forward to reading more - good luck in the job hunt!
