
Thanks for stopping by my site! I hope I've found a place now where I can document and share my upcoming travels and experiences. It appears that here I will be able to not only "blog" as much as I'd like, but to upload my pictures as well. Feel free to take a look around and provide suggestions! Stay tuned in coming months as I'll be updating with more details about the trip!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Border run!

It's Friday here already, which means 3 full weeks of class have gone by and only 1 week left! I taught 3 more lessons this week, and the final 2 went incredibly well. One of my teacher assessments actually said that "you have looked in your element over the past two lessons." I'm incredibly happy with the way things have gone throughout the course for me and yet again hope that a job will be soon forthcoming. I should have one more observed lesson next week, and then I'll share a 90 minute unobserved one on Thursday, the last day of the course. Things are going by so fast!

Despite the fact that it's Friday, there'll be no beach party for me this weekend. Nathan and I are headed south to Hat Yai for the evening before jumping across the border and back on Saturday. Our hope is to be back that night so that we can have as much of Sunday as possible to study for our 3 hour grammar and phonology exam on Monday! Hat Yai is thankfully a good clip west of where the bombings just took place yesterday. The south is in a bit of unrest, though actual violence is very sporatic. Cross your fingers that we'll have a safe trip! See you next week!

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