
Thanks for stopping by my site! I hope I've found a place now where I can document and share my upcoming travels and experiences. It appears that here I will be able to not only "blog" as much as I'd like, but to upload my pictures as well. Feel free to take a look around and provide suggestions! Stay tuned in coming months as I'll be updating with more details about the trip!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Moving on...

Hey everybody,

I'm all packed and ready to move out of the school, where I've been staying for the past month. I'm headed over to a place called Phuket Backpackers with Nate and I think a few of the other guys are going to join us. I'm planning to stay there for the next two weeks or so.

I did pass on word to the family concerning the political unrest here, but just to let you all know I am currently far removed from any of the protesting and I plan on staying local here in Phuket, further reducing my chances of encountering any trouble. Even so, I hope they can get it all worked out as soon as possible...

Word has it that the hostel will have free wireless, which means that sometime in the next 2 days you'll all have quite a bit more blog to read and perhaps even some pictures!

Thanks Gail for the message on one of those last posts. Yes, of course it's okay that he passed it on! It's always good to hear from people and I will especially appreciate it in the coming weeks now that training is over and most people I know have gone home.

In case any of you were wondering, improper (or lack of) suntan lotion use when located 7 degrees north of the equator is a bad idea. No really. When you come visit me, it may be the one thing I insist that you don't try. And no, I don't need any scolding, Mom (or any other moms that may be reading this (or any soon-to-be moms (or any mom impersonators))). Purple ankles are lesson enough for me, not to mention the cringes I receive when anybody takes notice of my swollen skin. My timing, of course, is impeccable, seeing as I have to somehow manage to carry all of my bags today. "Ow" is insufficient.

On that note, I'm off! Enjoy the start to your week!

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